25 questions in Higher Education for the Sierra Leone People’s Party

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25 questions in Higher Education for the Sierra Leone People's Party

Based on the “New Direction 2018 Manifesto,” here are 25 questions aimed at ascertaining the achievements of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP).


By the Sierra Leone Live Team

Functional Adult Literacy Education

  1. Has the government established at least one Functional Adult Literacy Centre using existing school facilities in every chiefdom?
  2. Are there special functional literacy programs designed for women?
  3. Has there been a review of the development of a curriculum for adult literacy?
  4. Have they integrated literacy programs into agricultural and livelihood programs?

Technical and Vocational Education

  1. Was a polytechnic established in every district capital, fully equipped for technical and vocational education and training?
  2. Are there technical and vocational centers in all chiefdoms that provide training in areas relevant to the rural sector?
  3. Was the curriculum and certification for TVET reviewed and standardized for government and private service providers?
  4. Is there a national apprenticeship scheme providing internships for trainees of TVET institutes and direct training for youth?
  5. Was the budgetary allocation and disbursement for technical and vocational education increased?
  6. Was a policy adopted for private companies to provide infrastructure, modern tools, and specialized training to TVET institutes?
  7. Were District Councils and the private sector granted autonomy to supervise TVET?

Higher Education

  1. Did the SLPP establish a separate Ministry of Higher Education?
  2. Were all statutes relating to higher education reviewed?
  3. Have they restructured the university system to employ its own leadership as chancellors?
  4. Are there initiatives in place to encourage judicious internal resource allocation and management at universities?
  5. Are faculties within universities well-compensated, motivated, productive, and accountable?
  6. Was the curriculum of tertiary education upgraded to match skills gained to job requirements?
  7. Are there incentive schemes in place to encourage Sierra Leonean writers?
  8. Was entrepreneurial education introduced at the university?

Civic Education

  1. Was a National Programme on Civic Education launched?
  2. Were a curriculum and materials for civic education developed?
  3. Was Civic Education reintroduced in schools?


  1. Have any mechanisms been put in place to measure the quality and acceptability of local TVET degrees and certificates, both nationally and internationally?
  2. Has there been any move to encourage tertiary institutions to invest in profitable ventures and use profits to develop the university?
  3. Were any steps taken to develop Research and Development at the University?


SLPP’s 2018 Manifesto Versus 2023 Achievements: A Comparative Analysis of Promises and Progress in Adult Literacy, Technical and Vocational Education, Higher Education, and Civic Education

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