International Women’s Day: Empowering Women in Sierra Leone; Moving Beyond Equal Opportunities to Embrace Equity and Inclusion on International Women’s Day

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International Women's Day: Empowering Women in Sierra Leone; Moving Beyond Equal Opportunities to Embrace Equity and Inclusion on International Women's Day

International Women’s Day is today, March 8, 2023, a day set aside to recognize the accomplishments of women worldwide and to raise awareness of the obstacles they still have to overcome. Women in Sierra Leone keep fighting for equality and self-determination, even though institutional barriers and bias keep them from reaching their full potential. As we celebrate this day, it is important that we talk about the problems that women in Sierra Leone face and look for ways to fix them.

Equal Opportunities Aren’t Enough.

Although opportunities for women have improved in Sierra Leone, these opportunities do not result in equal outcomes. Even though the law protects women from being treated unfairly, there are many things that keep them from fully taking part in society. For instance, women are more likely to work in low-paying positions and are underrepresented in leadership roles in both the public and commercial sectors. Also, women in Sierra Leone are more likely than men to not be able to read or write, and they are more likely to be poor.

Embrace Equity.

Prioritizing equity over equality is important if we are to effectively solve these inequalities. While equality tries to give everyone the same opportunities and resources, equity considers that people may have different needs and experiences and therefore need different help. Promoting equity will help overcome the difficulties faced by women in Sierra Leone and build a more inclusive and just society.

Gender Stereotypes.

Women in Sierra Leone still have to deal with gender stereotypes that limit their opportunities and make the gap between men and women bigger. These biases are deeply rooted in society, and it’s hard to get rid of them. It is essential to question them and advance a more inclusive and varied understanding of gender roles. Women in Sierra Leone may benefit from a level playing field because of this.

International Women's Day - Women in Sierra Leone

Call Out Discrimination.

Women experience discrimination in education, the workplace, and other areas of their lives where it is a common occurrence. It is important to point out this discrimination and look for help in addressing it. This could help make the environment for women safer and more inclusive.

Draw Attention to Bias.

Unconscious bias might negatively impact women’s opportunities and experiences in subtle and cunning ways. It’s important to call attention to these prejudices and attempt to overcome them in order to address this. This may entail educating people about unconscious bias and providing resources and training to aid individuals in identifying and overcoming their biases.

Seek Inclusion.

Women must be represented in all aspects of society if we are to build a more just and inclusive country. This involves strengthening the participation of women in the political, social, economic, and cultural sectors. Increasing women’s access to education and training, encouraging women to take on leadership roles and take part in decision-making, and making workplaces friendlier could all be ways to reach this goal.

Government’s Efforts to Empower Women.

The government has taken measures to increase women’s rights and gender equality, including upholding such values in the constitution. On the ground, these initiatives are often not carried out successfully, though. It is important to ensure that these policies are fully put into practice and that resources are allocated to promoting women’s equality and empowerment.

International Women's Day - Women in Sierra Leone

The Right to Vote and take part in Governance.

In order to build a society that is more just and equitable, women must have the right to vote and take part in governance. Women now hold important leadership positions in the government and civil society in Sierra Leone, a country that has gained progress in this regard. To guarantee that women’s opinions are heard and that we respect their perspectives throughout decision-making processes, however, more must be done.

The Right to Access Digital Literacy.

Access to digital literacy is essential for women’s empowerment in a world that continues to grow increasingly digital. Women in Sierra Leone have substantial barriers when seeking digital training and services. By making it easier for women to get digital training and resources, we can help them do better in life and encourage them to fully take part in society.


As we celebrate International Women’s Day, it’s important to think about the problems women in Sierra Leone face and make a promise to make things better. Even though there’s been progress, much work needs to be done before women are empowered and given the opportunity to realize their full potential. We can make Sierra Leone a more fair and just place for all women by embracing equity, challenging gender stereotypes, speaking out against discrimination and bias, working for inclusion, supporting government efforts to empower women, promoting the right to vote and take part in government, and giving more people access to digital literacy.

It’s important for women to keep striving to advance themselves and their rights, but it is also important for society to respect and support their efforts. Let’s celebrate the achievements of women in Sierra Leone on this International Women’s Day and pledge to work toward a time when all women can succeed and realize their full potential. We can only create a society where women are truly equal and empowered by working together.

#EmbraceEquity #IWD2023


Happy International Women’s Day!

International Women's Day - Women in Sierra Leone



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