Improving Management of Marine Resources: 25 Key Questions Assessing the Fulfillment of the SLPP’s 2018 Manifesto Commitments

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Improving Management of Marine Resources: 25 Key Questions Assessing the Fulfillment of the SLPP's 2018 Manifesto Commitments

Improving Management of Marine Resources: 25 Key Questions Assessing the Fulfillment of the SLPP’s 2018 Manifesto Commitments

By the Sierra Leone Live Team

Welcome to Sierra Leone Live’s interactive segment on the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) “Improving Management of Marine Resources” commitments from their 2018 “New Direction” manifesto. To assist you, our esteemed citizens, in evaluating the SLPP’s fulfillment of its pledges, we have curated a set of 25 “Yes” or “No” questions. We structure these inquiries to assess each promise made by the SLPP in 2018, thus summarizing the progress made in managing marine resources.

Your involvement in this process is critical, as it enhances democratic accountability, encourages transparency, and fosters a government that responds to the people. Please take the time to answer each question based on your knowledge, perception, and experiences over the last five years.

Good Governance and Sustainable Management of Fisheries

  1. Was the existing fisheries policy revised and the fisheries and aquaculture legislation completed?
  2. Was a Strategic Action Plan developed to implement the policy?
  3. Were the institutional and management reviews of the MFMR conducted?
  4. Was a web-based database of all industrial fishing fleets developed?
  5. Were surveys and systematic registrations of all artisanal canoes conducted?
  6. Was the MFMR data collection system enhanced?
  7. Was the research institute (IMBO) enhanced?
  8. Were periodic indirect surveys of key fish stocks (Pelagic and demersal) conducted?
  9. Were all fisheries management information, such as revenues, license fees, vessels committing infractions, fines paid by vessels, etc., made public for transparency?
  10. Were Management Plans prepared and implemented that set levels of sustainable exploitation for targeted fisheries and created rights and allocation mechanisms for such fisheries?
  11. Were community-led management systems introduced at the community level?
  12. Were inclusive communication strategies developed to inform the public about the government’s vision and development programs for the fisheries sector?

Reduction of Illegal Fishing

  1. Was an enabling legal and regulatory environment established for combating illegal fishing?
  2. Was the Joint Maritime Committee (JMC) revitalized?
  3. Were effective and sustainable surveillance systems implemented?

Improved Handling of Fish and Fisheries Products

  1. Were fish landing site clusters constructed?
  2. Were Fish Harbours with solar-powered cold chain facilities constructed?
  3. Was there construction or rehabilitation of existing landing sites?
  4. Was training on basic hygiene practices and sanitary operating procedures conducted?
  5. Were existing laboratories for fish quality rehabilitated, and did they support accreditation to certify fish and fisheries products for export to the EU and other foreign destinations?
  6. Was the capacity of the competent authority to certify fish and fisheries products for export strengthened?
  7. Were there training and demonstrations on new smoking and drying technologies?
  8. Was there facilitation of the establishment of microcredit facilities for women engaged in fisheries?

Aquaculture Development

  1. Was a policy and regulatory framework for sustainable aquaculture developed?
  2. Were pilot hatchery stations constructed to produce fingerlings in pre-determined locations?

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your time and involvement in this process. Your active participation in answering these questions provides invaluable insight into our ongoing assessment of the government’s performance. Each response contributes to the larger dialogue about our nation’s direction and progress. Thank you for your commitment to fostering an informed and engaged citizenry in Sierra Leone. Together, we are shaping the future of our beloved nation.

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