Alas! To the ills of our past we’ll glance with a smile
As we set out on the journey of a thousand miles
Burying the pikes and shakers and rebranding our mind
Carving new trails and lanes for our lads to trod and feed
From the hills of Kameidor, to the gates of Mashigbi
Like rivers they’ll flow to seek gems with a brighter luster
From across the country they’ll seek to suck from our nectar
And will return to their homes with a wider laughter.
Now will the souls of our ancestors find rest at last
As the shackles of illiteracy crumble and fall in haste
Never again will our damsels by bonded in uncertainty
Nor will they eat bread baked from the dishonor of their purity
The glutinous prisons that feed on our young will shrink and starve
Handcuffs, batons and shrines waste away and cops in idleness serve
The fortune that once lay deep below the earth is now in our hands
As we transform from a bread basket to a prestigious academic boom
We will inscribe in hearts the name of him who fashioned and made it be
We will remember in gratitude him at whose hand we were transformed
In whose reign the foundations of university for the East was laid and built
A President who braces and broke the huddles of tribe, region or politics.
Sansan Boy,
Koidu City.